Sunday, February 25, 2007
Disney Communications Course
There are many learning objectives involved in the course. They are to describe the importance of of communications theory and application to business success, relate basic theories of communication to the Walt Disney World Resort's business and guest service practices, and identify and practice effective communication techniques in a variety of contexts.
There are many different assignments and evaluations. All students are required to do a communication behavior paper, a 1 minute impromptu speech, a 1-2 minute persuasive speech, a 4-5 minute prepared informative speech, a 3-4 minute entertaining speech, a 1-2 minute extemporaneous speech, an informative research paper, and take a final exam. The communication behavior paper is 1-2 page action plan for applying principles to being a more effective communicator. The informative research paper is a 1-2 page research paper on the topic of the Informative Speech.
Overall, I have found the class to be extremely interesting. We presented our first speeches (persuasive speech) on why the Polynesian is the best family resort at Walt Disney World. I think my communication skills are above average and I think this class will help them to become excellent. One of the most interesting topics we've touched upon has been the idea of listening. Many people confuse communication with simply talking, but the other half (listening) is completely forgotten. We also learned that there are many different types of listeners such as active, passive, and controlling.
The name of our text is Communication in a Changing World by Bethami Dobkin and Roger Pace. We are required to read 3 chapters a week from the text. I find that I learn more from attending the classes, but the text is a good supplement to what we've learned. For example, the last chapter we had to read was how to present a speech. Our professor gave us chocolate and required us to present a 2 minute speech on the spot about the chocolate. I learned more from the chocolate demonstration than from reading the textbook.
This is a link to the course's syllabus for more in-depth information.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
ESPN Weekend
Thursday, February 15, 2007
More fun facts about Disney's MGM Studios

This gift shop to the left may look like an ordinary MGM movie themed gift shop. The entrance of this shop is designed to look like the guests will be entering a theatre. The name of the theatre is Carthay Circle which was an actual theatre in California. One of Disney's best creations, Snow White, premeired in the Carthay Circle Theatre. This movie is still one of the best selling animated movies of all time. Therefore, since Disney's first animated movie was such a big hit, the Walt Disney World Resort decided to name one of their Disney MGM Studios gift shops after the birthplace of Disney's blockbuster animated movie. This name is extremely significant and not many guests know the significance of its name.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Fun Facts About Disney's MGM Studios

This first picture signifies one of the most interesting facts I've learned about Disney's MGM Studios while working there so far. As guests enter the park they see this tall pole with Mickey Mouse standing on the world on top. Underneath the pole is a small gift shop called the Crossroads. Most guests think this is just a landmark and architecture for them to look at while they enter the park. This is acutally a lightning rod as Orlando, Florida is the lightning capital of the country. Once again a hidden secret kept by Disney in diguising everyday necessities with authentic items from the park.
This second picture may look like the typical Tower of Terror attraction in Disney's MGM Studios. The height of the tower is acutally very significant. They refer to the tower as "one foot under the red light." In other words, in Orlando 200 ft. on a building is the limit for an airplane light to warn airplanes of tall buildings. The Tower of Terror is 199 ft. (one foot under the limit) which was done purposely to avoid having to use an airplane light and destroying the authenticity of the park.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
2nd week

This photo is the and Disney commercial that will be aired in the future that I took part in. I am just to the right of the word "your." The name of the campaign is Find Your Dream Job.
I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable not only with my job but working in Disney's MGM Studios. Overall the park layout is pretty simplistic to explain to guests. There are two parts: Sunset Boulevard and the Backlands Area. I am stationed in the Backlands Area.
I have also learned why and how Disney goes above and beyond exceptional customer service. In the Merchandise field specifically Cast Members must not only do the transaction correctly for the customer, but also touch on guest service points. Disney holds their cast members to extremely high standards, but that is essential for such a Fortune 400 company. The customer service skills that I will be learning while working for Disney are one of a kind and will be exceptional to take with me in future occupations.